Saturday, January 19, 2013

{boozy bevvies} official drink of kenny

first let me state fact. when i, or anyone for that matter, refer to kenny, i am not referring to the following: kenny loggins, kenny rogers, kenny from south park, or kenny g. there is only one kenny in my book.

mr. kenny chesney. every year, my best friend and i look forward to girls' weekend where we can 'sit in the sand with a drink in our hands' and enjoy the BEST CONCERT of the year. we seriously make a long weekend out of this concert. since i live in northern virginia and she in charlottesville, we both make our way to virginia beach and relax beachfront. seriously- if you've never taken a trip with your best friend where it's just the two of you, i highly recommend it. it's so rejuvenating and relaxing and SO MUCH FUN.

kenny trip circa 2011
we just found out this week that he's coming back to virginia beach after taking a year off from the venue. why? i do not know. BUT WE ARE SOOO STINKIN' EXCITED!!!

kenny trip circa 2012 - show in dc. found some strangers. ;-)
now back in the day, when we first started attending said concerts, we were young and wild. not saying that we're not wild when we get together now- it's just a little less. ha. here's us one year at buffet.

buffet trip circa 2006
so young, wild, and poor. what do you drink and tailgate with on said concert going excursions?! what my dear friend meghan likes to call, jolly ranchers. yum. yum. yum. can't wait.

jolly rancher

margarita mix
mango rum

mix to your hearts content and enjoy. just don't drink too many or you'll end up like this:

wild lauren circa 2006.

xoxo Lauren

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