Thursday, November 1, 2012

{beauty} fall face mask.

i try not to make new year's resolutions. i think of them more as lifestyle changes to better myself throughout the year. so back in late january i attended an at-home party for beauty products. you know, the kind of party where everyone sits around someone's living room and tries all sorts of products out. now there wasn't a specific product that really stood out for me, but something the hostess said. she explained that the european union has banned over 10,000 ingredients from products that are applied or ingested...while the good 'ol USA hasn't banned anywhere close to the number and that many of those ingredients are readily found in our daily products! everything from hand soap to toothpaste to makeup! this was unbelievable to me.

so began my task of finding more natural products to limit my exposure to chemicals that are harmful to myself and those around me. i came across so many websites and apps to help me in my task of ridding my home bathroom and kitchen of these products. but at the same time, i also found recipes to make products on my own with basic ingredients i already had around my home. funny how they were right under my nose.

one of my fave recipes is basically a fall face mask. super simple ingredients to help you exfoliate and tame skin ailments. **as with any product you apply, please test this out on yourself before fully applying to make sure there is no reaction**

fall face mask
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
mix the ingredients and apply generously to face. leave on for 30 minutes and then wash away.
i got bored during hurricane sandy. ha.

the recipe can last you a good week, especially if you apply 3 times a week like i do. and it doesn't smell too bad either. ;-)

xoxo Lauren