Thursday, November 8, 2012

{beauty} the miracles of argan oil

once upon a time, there was a local girl that was looking for beauty products that not only accomplished what she desired but that were also good for her, her body, and her environment. after searching far and wide, she came across a product line that harnessed the power of argan oil. this oil, a mystical treatment, can be used for numerous purposes. it was the ingredient she had been searching for and they lived happily ever after.

the beautiful josie maran.
ha. but all in all seriousness, when i decided to rid my bathroom of any sulfates, parabens, etc., i was also looking for a makeup line that was free of the same ingredients. josie maran cosmetics came to the rescue! in doing my research, i came to the conclusion that she was interested in the same idea i was: natural and eco-friendly beauty products that didn't compromise quality and results.

products in the josie maran cosmetics line contain argan oil and are as luxurious as other high-end products i have used in the past. the one difference is that these aren't harmful to my body! here is an overview of the products i use on a daily basis:

{1} josie maran matchmaker serum foundation
{2} josie maran argan magic marker liquid eyeliner
{3} josie maran GOGO instant natural volume argan mascara
{4} josie maran argan oil
{5} josie maran argan concealer
{6} josie maran argan pressed powder
{7} josie maran beautiful eyes eyeshadow
{8} josie maran argan color stick

the awesomely amazing thing is that josie is a wife and mother as well - which means that there are many products that the men and children in your life can also use! one of my friend's husbands suffered from extremely dry skin to the point that he was applying facial lotion up to 6 times a day. once he switched to the pure argan oil, he applied it once in the morning and was good to go. truly a miracle.

there are all sorts of videos on that josie has uploaded to show you just how easy her cosmetics are to apply. there are even some really cool all-natural recipes to check out as well. here's an interview with josie with the chalkboard that gives you more of a background on josie and her line.

so get to your local sephora, shop online at or, or check out QVC for all of josie's products and current specials. you won't be disappointed. instead, you'll be healthy and happy.

xoxo Lauren

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